Sometimes you need to shut one door before new ones begin to open up to you.

Which means:

  • You need to decide that you’re giving up on a project or business venture before ideas for a new venture show up.
  • You need to make a firm decision to move on from an old job or career for new opportunities and ideas to show up.
  • You need make a decision to change city or country before new options come up and before chance conversations come your way to create opportunities.

Intuitively we all know this to be true don’t we?

But it feels scary.

Leaving the certainty of a situation you no longer enjoy/desire for an uncertain future sounds crazy. The sort of thing that your friends and family would frown upon.

That’s precisely why most people resist making a change.

The fear is the reason why people wait and wait for something better to come along instead of trusting their instincts and making the decision that it’s time to change. While they can’t predict exactly what will happen next – the uncertainty is likely to be less painful (and more exciting) than the pain of feeling stuck.

That’s when they know it’s time to close an old door and look forward to new doors and new opportunities opening up.

If you’re considering shutting a door right now, here are 5 questions for you to consider:

  1. What if you did close that door? What’s the worst that could happen?
  2. How can you minimise the risks of the worst case scenario?
  3. What’s the best that could happen?
  4. What actions can you take to ensure a best case scenario?
  5. What’s the first or next step you need to take?